By Richard A. Ciccarone, President of Merritt Research Services, an Investortools, Inc. Company Every year since 2007, Merritt Research Services1 (Merritt Research) reports the time it takes for municipal bond borrowers to complete their annual financial audits. The...
Local Government Districts & Authorities
Featured Bond: New Jersey Economic Development Authority, $500 million in Transportation Project Bonds
-by Robert Crump Our first featured bond of the new decade comes from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA), which is scheduled to issue $500 million in Transportation Project Bonds this coming week. The negotiated sale is scheduled for January 9th...
Featured Bond – City of New York $930 million in General Obligation Bonds
The City of New York is expected to issue $850 million in General Obligation Bonds to finance its 2020 budget and various capital projects planned for the new year. The sale is scheduled between October 1st to the 3rd, with Jefferies as the lead underwriter and many...
Featured Bond – Week of September 2nd, 2019: State of California to Issue $2.3 Billion Dollars in General Obligation Bonds
The State of California is scheduled to issue $2.3 billion dollars in Various Purpose General Obligation bonds in two parts. In order to refinance its outstanding debt, the state will issue $1.65 billion in Refunding Bonds. Proceeds from the remainder of the total,...
Federal Stimulus Package: Implications for States and Municipalities
A compilation of the best resources for information about how the stimulus bill will affect states and local governments
California Tops List of Subprime Mortgage Foreclosure Risk
The foreclosure rate on subprime mortgages is on the rise, and the trend is expected to continue at increasing rates for loans originated in 2006 – particularly in several California cities.
Dover, Delaware
The unique look of Dover’s home page is the first signal that this is no ordinary city web site. A front-page listing of current local stock prices enhances the business-like style of this web site, which also conveys a sense of hospitality through welcoming...
DuPage County Election Coverage Wins Our Vote
Last month, MuniNet Guide & Review reported that online coverage of state and local election results this past November was much better than it was four years ago. Here’s one local success story: David Davoust is president of Robis, Inc., the company that designed...