
Featured Bond – City of New York $930 million in General Obligation Bonds

The City of New York is expected to issue $850 million in General Obligation Bonds to finance its 2020 budget and various capital projects planned for the new year. The sale is scheduled between October 1st to the 3rd, with Jefferies as the lead underwriter and many...

Featured Bond – Week of September 9th, 2019; City of Austin to Issue $233 million in Capital Improvement and Refunding Bonds

The City of Austin is scheduled to issue $233 million in bonds to finance its debt and to fund in whole or in part several voter-approved capital projects. The bonds are expected to be scheduled for sale on September 10, 2019  with Ramirez & Co., Inc. as the lead...

MuniNet Guide Experts Roundtable: Michael Belsky

by Mardee Handler Current Trends in Municipal Finance: A Birdseye View Flint, Michigan made national news headlines when it experienced its water crisis in 2014. During the crisis, 12 people died and at least 87 others became sick from unsafe drinking water. Seven...

Featured Bond: City of Austin – $464 Million in Electric Utility System Revenue Bonds

Featured Bond - Week of May 20, 2019: City of Austin, Texas $464 Million in Electric Utility System Revenue Bonds Overview The City of Austin, Texas is issuing $464 million in Electric Utility System Revenue Bonds through negotiated sale. The pricing date is...

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