The Metropolitan Area Employment Situation Improves Across the Nation in 2017, as Metro Areas Drive Growth in Labor Force Unemployment rates dropped in 81 percent of the metropolitan areas in the United States from December 2016 to December 2017 (314 of 388 areas),...
Three Out of Four Metros Having Better Employment Performance In June 2016 Than June 2015 The Bureau of Labor Statistics released their June numbers for Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) unemployment and employment metrics. Of the 387 official metro areas in the...
by Bradford Langs CFA The U.S. economic recovery is nearing its seventh anniversary, although this recovery has been deemed modest at best. On the state and local level, outlooks vary and are largely dependent on employment dynamics. The Fed raised rates for the...
Large Cities Continue to Beat National Average The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released its Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) unemployment figures for April 2016. Of the 387 official metro areas in the United States, 269 (70%) saw their unemployment rates drop...
by Jeffrey L Garceau The Bureau of Labor Statistics recently released their 2015 survey report of state employment figures. This survey serves to report unemployment figures for each state plus the District of Columbia, as well as employment-population ratios. MuniNet...