Featured Bond - Week of July 29, 2019: San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District - $674 Million in GO Bonds (Green Bonds) By Ashton Hicks Overview The San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) District is issuing $674 million total in General Obligation Green...
Featured Municipal Bond Issue, Week of March 26th, 2018: Sutter Health – $684 Million Sutter Health System is issuing $230 million in refunding bonds the week of March 19, 2018. The bonds are being issued as a single series, Series 2018A. Interest on the bonds is...
Featured Municipal Bond Issue, Week of 07/31/2017: Bay Area Toll Authority Revenue Bonds (Intermediate Lien) – $1.1 Billion This week’s featured bond comes from the State of California. The Bay Area Toll Authority is issuing senior and subordinate toll bridge...
MuniNet Data Shows Growth in Metro Labor Force Trends among Largest U.S. Metropolitan Areas. by Jeffrey L Garceau When discussing the health of the economy, the media typically pays attention to three metrics: unemployment rate, net jobs numbers, and gross domestic...
Featured Municipal Bond in the Market, Week of 04/04/2016 The City and County of San Francisco has been undergoing a strong effort to replace its aging and inadequate water infrastructure for some time. In order to keep the efforts moving, an competitive issue of new...