Featured Bond – Week of August 19, 2019: City of Houston, Texas to Issue $785 Million in Combined Utility System Revenue Bonds Overview The City of Houston is issuing $785 million in Combined Utility System first lien revenue refunding bonds through negotiated sale. ...
MuniNet Guide Experts Roundtable: Michael Belsky
by Mardee Handler Current Trends in Municipal Finance: A Birdseye View Flint, Michigan made national news headlines when it experienced its water crisis in 2014. During the crisis, 12 people died and at least 87 others became sick from unsafe drinking water. Seven...
Featured Bond – Week of July 15, 2019: Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Inc. $915 Million in Revenue Bonds
Featured Bond - Week of July 15, 2019: Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Inc. $915 Million in Revenue Bonds Overview Children's Healthcare of Atlanta is borrowing $915 Million through negotiated sale during the week of July 15. The proceeds are to be used to develop...
Featured Bond: The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority $300 Million in Toll Highway Senior Revenue Bonds
Featured Bond - Week of June 24, 2019: The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority $300 Million in Toll Highway Senior Revenue Bonds Overview The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority is issuing $300 Million in Toll Highway Senior Revenue Bonds through negotiated sale....
Featured Bond: The City of Charlotte $182 Million in Airport Revenue Bonds
Featured Bond - Week of June 3, 2019: City of Charlotte, NC $182 Million in Airport Revenue Bonds Overview The City of Charlotte, North Carolina is issuing $182 Million in Airport Revenue refunding bonds. $141.9 million of this is Non-AMT and $40.6 million is AMT. The...
Featured Bond: The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California – $220 Million in Water Revenue Refunding Bonds
Featured Bond - Week of May 27, 2019: The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California - $220 Million in Water Revenue Refunding Bonds Overview The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is issuing $220 Million in Water Revenue Refunding Bonds...
Featured Bond: City of Austin – $464 Million in Electric Utility System Revenue Bonds
Featured Bond - Week of May 20, 2019: City of Austin, Texas $464 Million in Electric Utility System Revenue Bonds Overview The City of Austin, Texas is issuing $464 million in Electric Utility System Revenue Bonds through negotiated sale. The pricing date is...
Featured Bond: State of Oregon – $156 Million in General Obligation Bonds (Higher Education)
Featured Bond - Week of May 13, 2019: State of Oregon $156 Million in General Obligation Bonds for Higher Education Overview The State of Oregon is issuing $156 Million in General Obligation bonds for higher education. The bonds include Series E-H most of which will...
Featured Bond: Commonwealth of Massachusetts – $700 Million in General Obligation Bonds
Featured Bond - Week of May 6, 2019: Commonwealth of Massachusetts $700 in General Obligation Bonds Overview The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is issuing an aggregate $700 Million in General Obligation Bonds to be sold through a competitive process on May 7. There are...
Featured Bond: Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, $610.5 Million Community Justice Campus Bonds
Featured Municipal Bond Issue: – Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank to Issue $610.5 Million Justice Campus Bonds for Courthouse & Jail Complex Our featured new issue municipal bond of the week is the Indianapolis Public Improvement Bond Bank, which...