Educational Attainment Statistics Reveal Regional Differences Feb 25, 2009 | Economic Development - General Sites, Higher Education - CollegesWhich states and metro areas carry the largest percentage of college-educated residents?
Federal Stimulus Package: Implications for States and Municipalities Feb 25, 2009 | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Federal Government, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Local Government, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - State Government, Local Government Districts & Authorities, State Treasury and Debt Adminstration, States - States, Districts & TerritoriesA compilation of the best resources for information about how the stimulus bill will affect states and local governments
Retaining Public Safety Workforce is Essential Even (Especially) in Tough Economy Feb 20, 2009 | Employment/Human Resources, Melange - Municipal, Municipal Finance - GeneralLayoffs of local police and fire employees can place cities at risk, resulting in even higher costs
PPIC Examines California’s Fiscal Challenges Feb 6, 2009 | Economic Analysis - Regional or Local, Economic Development - Regional Agencies/Organizations, Housing/Land Use - Local Housing Authorities, News Organizations - National News SourcesPolicy institute sheds light on California infrastructure, economy
Guest Opinion: Do We Know How to Revive the U.S. Housing Market? Feb 3, 2009 | Housing/Land Use - General Sites, Housing/Land Use - Local Housing Authorities, Housing/Land Use - State Housing AuthoritiesThe U.S. housing market is nearing the bottom; do we know how to bring it back?