Featured Municipal Bond Issue, Week of November 12, 2018: City of Philadelphia, PA Water and Wastewater Revenue Bonds Series 2018 A — $275 Million This week, MuniNet features the City of Philadelphia. On or around November 15th, The City intends to issue by...
Featured Municipal Bond Issue, Week of December 11, 2017: The City of Philadelphia Airport Revenue and Refunding Bonds – $721 Million This week’s featured bond comes from the State of Pennsylvania. The City of Philadelphia is issuing $721 million in airport revenue...
MuniNet Data Shows Growth in Metro Labor Force Trends among Largest U.S. Metropolitan Areas. by Jeffrey L Garceau When discussing the health of the economy, the media typically pays attention to three metrics: unemployment rate, net jobs numbers, and gross domestic...
Featured Municipal Bond in the Market, Week of 05/22/2017: The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Revenue Bonds – $177 Million This week’s featured bond comes from the State of Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development is issuing...