Build America Bonds Added to Municipal Bond Calendar Dec 8, 2009 | Municipal Bond - Pricing/Analytics, Municipal Bond Market News/Research, Municipal Bond Trading & UnderwritingMuniNetGuide now includes BABs and other taxable issues on weekly list of municipal bond sales
Municipal Bonds: Disclosure-on-Demand Oct 30, 2009 | Municipal Bond Documents & NRMSIRs, Municipal Bond Market News/Research, Municipal Bond Trading & UnderwritingShaping the future of municipal bond disclosure by providing official statements on demand
Dawn of a New Day: MSRB’s EMMA Advances Disclosure in Municipal Bond Market Jul 14, 2009 | Municipal Bond Disclosure, Municipal Bond Documents & NRMSIRs, Municipal Bond Market News/Research, Municipal Bond Trading & Underwriting, Municipal Finance - GeneralIncreased price transparency and greater access to disclosure documents both represent progress for municipal bond market
MSRB Weighs in on Popular New Build America Bonds May 14, 2009 | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Local Government, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - State Government, Citizen Participation & Research - State Organizations, Employment/Human Resources, Municipal Bond Market News/Research, Municipal Bond Trading & Underwriting, Municipal Finance - GeneralBuild America Bonds are taxable municipal bonds, and subject to standard MSRB rules for municipal securities
New Municipal Bond Insurer Aims to Carve its Niche by Going Back to Basics Mar 10, 2009 | Municipal Bond Market News/Research, Municipal Bond Trading & UnderwritingExclusive dedication to municipal and infrastructure issues recaptures original business model of bond insurance
Bond Buyer Recaps “Tumultuous” Year for Municipal Bond Market Jan 5, 2009 | Municipal Bond Disclosure, Municipal Bond Insurance, Municipal Bond Market News/Research, Municipal Bond Trading & Underwriting, Municipal Finance - GeneralTimeline highlights significant events of 2008 for municipal bond industry
Tides May Be Turning for Municipal Bond Calendar Dec 2, 2008 | Municipal Bond Market News/Research, Municipal Bond Trading & UnderwritingTiming, competition, and market conditions drive municipal bond issuance
Whitman, Quinn Share Insights at Women in Public Finance Conference Oct 19, 2008 | Employment/Human Resources, Municipal Bond Trading & Underwriting, Municipal Finance - GeneralSpeakers address economy, energy crisis, and challenges faced by women in politics, government, and municipal finance
EMMA Update: Phase Two Provides Increased Access to Issuer Information Aug 19, 2008 | Municipal Bond Disclosure, Municipal Bond Documents & NRMSIRs, Municipal Bond Market News/Research, Municipal Bond Trading & UnderwritingPlans move forward to expand EMMA to include continuing disclosure documents
EMMA: One-Stop Portal for Municipal Bond Disclosure Jul 10, 2008 | Housing/Land Use - General Sites, Municipal Bond - Pricing/Analytics, Municipal Bond Disclosure, Municipal Bond Documents & NRMSIRs, Municipal Bond Market News/Research, Municipal Bond Trading & UnderwritingIf you’re impressed by phase one of the MSRB’s new EMMA portal, stay tuned