Municipal Bond Insurance

The First Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling on ‘Assured’ Should be Reheard or Reversed; Recent Ruling Sends a Harsh Message to Municipal Bond Market

( ) Why the Municipal Bond Market Expects Pledged Special Revenues to be Timely Paid to Bondholders in a Chapter 9 Proceeding.  And, Why the First  Circuit's Assured Ruling in Puerto Rico’s PROMESA Title III Proceeding Should Be Reheard or  Reconsidered on Appeal....

NFMA, MuniNet Launch Joint Municipal Bond Gateway

The Municipal Bond Research Gateway – a joint project of MuniNet and the NFMA – is designed to provide convenient access to disclosure and other research materials for municipal bonds.

How the Muni Bond Experts Use the Internet

We recently polled members of the MuniNet Guide & Review Editorial Advisory Board - a group comprised of professionals who work in local government and municipal research - to see how they use the Internet to get the information they need to do their jobs....

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