Featured Bond - Week of May 27, 2019: The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California - $220 Million in Water Revenue Refunding Bonds Overview The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is issuing $220 Million in Water Revenue Refunding Bonds...
Featured Bond - Week of May 20, 2019: City of Austin, Texas $464 Million in Electric Utility System Revenue Bonds Overview The City of Austin, Texas is issuing $464 million in Electric Utility System Revenue Bonds through negotiated sale. The pricing date is...
Featured Bond - Week of May 13, 2019: State of Oregon $156 Million in General Obligation Bonds for Higher Education Overview The State of Oregon is issuing $156 Million in General Obligation bonds for higher education. The bonds include Series E-H most of which will...
Featured Bond - Week of May 6, 2019: Commonwealth of Massachusetts $700 in General Obligation Bonds Overview The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is issuing an aggregate $700 Million in General Obligation Bonds to be sold through a competitive process on May 7. There are...