Municipal Finance

Tollroads Show Strongest Growth in Total Revenue Growth

Tollroads Edge Hospitals for the Municipal Bond Credit Sector Revenue Honors Tollroad and Hospital Sectors easily led all other municipal bond credit sectors when it came to annual total revenue growth over the recent five year period spanning 2012 through 2017....

The First Circuit Court of Appeals Ruling on ‘Assured’ Should be Reheard or Reversed; Recent Ruling Sends a Harsh Message to Municipal Bond Market

( ) Why the Municipal Bond Market Expects Pledged Special Revenues to be Timely Paid to Bondholders in a Chapter 9 Proceeding.  And, Why the First  Circuit's Assured Ruling in Puerto Rico’s PROMESA Title III Proceeding Should Be Reheard or  Reconsidered on Appeal....

Featured Municipal Bond Issue: $304 Million Dallas Area Rapid Transit Senior Lien Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds

Featured Municipal Bond Issue:  –  Dallas Area Rapid Transit Senior Lien Sales Tax Revenue Refunding Bonds,  Series 2019 Our featured new issue municipal bond of the week is Dallas Area Rapid Transit,  which is planning to negotiate the sale of a refunding issue to...

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