Featured Municipal Bond in the Market, Week of 03/21/2016
The School Board of Broward County Florida is looking to schedule an issue this week for a new $214 million certificate of participation bond for the week of March 21, 2016. The district has issued a preliminary official statement, citing the refinancing of bonds issued in 2008 and 2009. The 2008 bond is still to be paid as originally scheduled through the end of 2018. Broward County has a higher median income than its state of Florida, but lower than the national median.
Provided at left is a quick snapshot of Broward County School District’s characteristics, courtesy of Merritt Research Services, LLC. (Merritt believes the data to be reliable but does not make any representations as to its accuracy or completeness). In addition, more information can be found on our municipal bond calendar, city, state, and county pages, and our employment database.