California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently signed the Budget Act of 2006, enacting a budget that focuses on increased funding for education, paying down state debt, and boosting its “rainy day” fund.

“Building a Better California” – the 2006 Budget home page – is a comprehensive resource that provides highlights of the current budget, a video of Governor Schwarzenegger signing the official budget, and even a blog authored by the state’s Director of Finance.

But what sets this web site apart from others in its class is the county-by-county breakdown – a summary of how the budget will impact each county in the state. Users can click on any given county to see the amount of state funds allocated to various sectors – healthcare to transportation and housing – as well as monies earmarked for specific programs.

San Bernardino County, for example, is set to receive $277,221,000 towards CalTrans funding, while Napa County will be getting $19,270,000. Funds are allocated to flood management in Stanislaus County, while Orange County will receive money to use for marina improvements.

In addition to county-specific information, the web site also includes a budget analysis by category. From public safety to education, transportation to senior citizens, each category page includes a detailed breakdown of funds to be spent on various programs.

Governor Schwarzenegger has been praised for signing the first “on-time” budget since 2000, and also for improving the state’s credit rating with all three rating agencies.